Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blogging: Promote Ignorance Much?

If you scroll down the left column, you'll notice that I've been trying to compile all the blogs I can find that are written by Ghanaians. I've included a few Ghanaians abroad, but try not to include people who are merely blogging as they pass through (nothing personal).

The Problem...

I just read the latest post of one blog I recently added and the content was so ignorantly-worded (and I don't mean the grammar) that I've decided to remove it from the list. One too many expletives and exclamation marks... the content wasn't that hot either.

I'm having mixed feelings though.

On the one hand, I am not a big fan of censorship and the list is supposed to reflect the diversity and richness of Ghanaian blogging.

On the other hand, I try not to be pro-ignorance: a stance that has seen me refuse to play certain forms of music when I DJ. 

Why should I not do the same with my blog?

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