Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Politics: Loving the Ladies

Listening to the vetting proceedings, I cannot be alone in thinking that both Betty Mould-Iddrissu (yesterday) and Hanna Tetteh (today) are making their male counterparts (both fellow nominees and those asking the often inane questions) look and sound like utter amateurs.



  1. Ah, I missed both ladies. Mrs. Mould-Iddrisu is on my most admired Ghanaian women list - awesome legal mind.

    Off to catch replays online.

  2. Both lawyers. Hmmm...
    No pressure.

  3. I missed their vetting too on tv but the one i've enjoyed most was watching Haruna Idrissu's vetting. Guy is one eloquent, brilliant dude man. Hope he gets the appointment in the light of the alleged plagiarism of one author in his Master's thesis in sociology.
